
#88 – Dana Maloney

Mar 18, 2022 | Something Significant Podcast | 0 comments

Mr. Happy Living here…
And I’m happy to be broadcasting from WYTV7 in the beautiful Queen City… Charlotte, North Carolina!

Show Notes:

:50 – Hey, Dana, I’m super happy to welcome you to the Show! 

:58 – Please take a minute to tell our wonderful audience what you’re doing these days to make your Mark of Significance on the World.

2:12 – What do you do on a regular basis to create all the CAPACITY you need to take good care of yourself, and your loved ones, and still have plenty left over to give to others?  

3:45 – Talk about, in your life, the difference between Earthly Energy and Spiritual Energy

5:30 – how does a Kaizen state of mind help you increase your personal capacity to continuously become more so you can continuously give more? 

8:55 – Was there a specific moment or event or crisis or inspiration that ‘revealed to you’ the PURPOSE you were meant to live?  

14:30 – Sponsor Break : Dry Farm Wines *Grab a bottle of sugar-free wine, for a penny*

17:25 – Have you found that giving your time and talents and treasures has been a pathway for discovering your purpose, and transcending difficulties you’ve faced, and for bringing real meaning into your life? 

21:20 –  Tell us, Dana, how does it make you feel when you’re giving to others thru the work you were put on this planet to do and a hotel guest says… 

“Dana and Jim’s place at Jubilee Suites was amazing!”  

And another says, “No stone was left unturned!” 

And another, “I highly recommend Jubilee Suites for its special touches and kind hosts!” 

Another, “Jubilee Suites delivered perfection in every way! The suites, the property and the hospitality of the owners was remarkable.” 

Finally and simply, one guest writes, “Jubilee is an absolute gem!” 

Dana, how does all that make you feel? 

24:00 – Lightning Round of Quotes 

“Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the universe.” – Lao Tzu 

“You are the truth from foot to brow. Now, what else would you like to know.” –  Rumi 

“A total acceptance of yourself brings about a total transcendence of yourself.”  – Adyashanti 

“It’s not just what you have, but it’s what you do with what you have. Who are you lifting up? Who are you making better?” – Denzel Washington

“Even if no one sees or acknowledges it, a silent blessing or thought of love towards others contains a vibration that’ll be felt throughout the cosmos.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.“ – Goethe 

30:00Would you please take a minute and share any parting remarks that you’d like to leave with our audience?

30:40 – Show Close

More from Dana Maloney

For more from Dana visit :  jubileesuites.com