
Happy Living Presents a 2024 Summertime series

Stories of Significance with Chuck Harlander. 

“I am now going on 75 and have no aches or pains, no health problems, and enjoy every hour that I am awake.” ~ Albert Charles Harlander

Physical Fitness

Discover the cornerstone of health with Chuck Harlander in Episode 2 of Stories of Significance. Learn how physical fitness, the bedrock of well-being, transforms lives. Inspired by fitness legends and personal triumphs, Chuck shares his journey from high school track to ultramarathons. Hear how Students Run LA fosters resilience in youth through marathon training, proving that even the longest journey starts with a single step. Embrace the joy of movement and incremental progress as you explore how staying active nurtures both body and mind. Tune in for inspiring stories and practical tips to boost your physical fitness and overall happiness.