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Mr. Happy Living loves to meet with groups, large and small, here or there, virtually or in-person, on a stage or anywhere to inspire others to believe as he does—the best is yet to be!
“I believe that a better self is always possible – today, every day, for the rest of our lives.” —Matt Gersper
“With an authentic, sincere and intelligent style, Matt shares his personal journey through sports, business and relationships. Just as he did, we learn from his victories and defeats, most pointedly his time-tested methodology for turning inspiration into action. Ultimately, his is a story full of invaluable action starters and life lessons that anyone can apply to their own lives.”
Scott Barry
playwright, screenwriter, actor, and former NFL quarterback
Retreats, Events, and Get-A-Ways
Every year, there are a number of exciting retreats, events, and get-aways held at the Happy Living House. Some are hosted by the Happy Living Team. Others are hosted by our Partners in Happy. Companies and groups may also rent the Happy Living House for their own private gatherings.
Planning a corporate retreat, small event, or strategic get-a-way? Need a great space, an inspiring speaker, great food, or any other event assistance? Contact the Happy Living team today and we’ll help make your special event a great success for your business.
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Please try again.":"There was an error loading the necessary resources. Please try again.","After deleting this access plan, any students subscribed to this plan will still have access and will continue to make recurring payments according to the access plan's settings. If you wish to terminate their plans you must do so manually. This action cannot be reversed.":"After deleting this access plan, any students subscribed to this plan will still have access and will continue to make recurring payments according to the access plan's settings. If you wish to terminate their plans you must do so manually. This action cannot be reversed.","An error was encountered during the save attempt. Please try again.":"An error was encountered during the save attempt. Please try again.","Please select a student to enroll":"Please select a student to enroll","Are you sure you want to delete this row? This cannot be undone.":"Are you sure you want to delete this row? 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