
Understanding Your Happy IndexTM Score

My mission in life is to become all I am capable of becoming with the gifts I’ve been given so that I am able to give to others, lift them, and help them become all they are capable of becoming with the gifts they’ve been given. That makes me Happy.

The best way for me to give more is to become more by ascending what David R. Hawkins calls the Map of Consciousness. In his book, Power vs. Force, I learned, and finally understood, why people at different levels of consciousness actually “see” and “experience” the same “truth” differently. At the lower levels, one’s view of life is ugly, oppressive, and unfair… and life feels bad. At the upper level, one views life as beautiful, bountiful, and uplifting… and life is good. With each and every upward step, life becomes easier, more enjoyable, and, yes, happier.

And that’s what I want for you… More ease. More joy. More Happy.

With Love,

(a.k.a. Mr. Happy Living)

These Life View descriptions come from The Map of Consciousness defined by David Hawkins’  in his book Power vs. Force.

ENLIGHTENMENT (100) | “This is the highest level of human consciousness where one has become like God. Many see this as Christ, Buddha, or Krishna. These are those who have influenced all of mankind.”



PEACE (92 to 99) | Peace is achieved after a life of complete surrender to the Creator. It is where you have transcended all and have entered that place that David Hawkins calls illumination. Here, a stillness and silence of mind is achieved, allowing for constant revelation. Only 1 in 10 million (that’s .00001 percent) people will arrive at this level.


(92 to 99)

JOY (86 to 91) | This is the level of saints and advanced spiritual people. As love becomes more unconditional, there follows a constant accompaniment of true happiness. No personal tragedy or world event could ever shake someone living at this level of consciousness. They seem to inspire and lift all those who come in contact with them. Your life is now in complete harmony with the will of Divinity and the fruits of that harmony are expressed in your joy.


(86 to 91)

LOVE (80 to 85) | At the level of Love, you see yourself as a potential for the greater good of mankind. The level of Love is where you start applying what was learned in your reasoning and you let the heart take over rather than the mind – you live by intuition. This is the level of charity – a selfless love that has no desire except for the welfare of those around them. Ghandi and Mother Theresa are examples of people who were living at this level. Only 0.4 percent of the world will ever reach it.


(80 to 85)

REASON (74 to 79) | At this level, you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. This is the level of medicine and science. You’ve become capable of using your reasoning abilities to their fullest extent. You have the discipline and the proactivity to fully exploit your natural abilities. You’ve reached the point where you say, “Wow. I can do all this stuff, and I know I must put it to good use. So what’s the best use of my talents?” You take a look around the world and start making meaningful contributions. At the very high end, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. Most people never reach this level in their entire lives.


(74 to 79)

ACCEPTANCE (68 to 73) | If Courage is the realization that you are the source of your life’s experiences, then it is here at Acceptance where you become the creator of them. Combined with the skills learned in the Willingness phase, you begin to awaken your potential through action. Here’s where you begin to set and achieve goals and to actively push yourself beyond your previous limitations. Up to this point you’ve been generally reactive to what life throws at you. Here’s where you turn that around, take control, and become proactive.


(68 to 73)

WILLINGNESS (62 to 67) | This is the level of consciousness of perpetual optimists. Seeing life as one big possibility is the cornerstone of those operating here. No longer are you satisfied with complacency – you strive to do your best at whatever task you’ve undertaken. You begin to develop self-discipline and willpower and learn the importance of sticking to a task till the end.


(62 to 67)

NEUTRALITY (56 to 61) | This is the level of consciousness of perpetual optimists. Seeing life as one big possibility is the cornerstone of those operating here. No longer are you satisfied with complacency – you strive to do your best at whatever task you’ve undertaken. You begin to develop self-discipline and willpower and learn the importance of sticking to a task till the end.


(56 to 61)

COURAGE (51 to 55) | This is the level of empowerment. It is the first level where you are not taking life energy from those around you. Courage is where you see that you don’t need to be tossed to and fro by your external conditions. This empowerment leads you to the realization that you are a steward unto yourself, and that you alone are in charge of your own growth and success. This is what makes you inherently human: the realization that there is a gap between stimulus and response and that you have the potential to choose how to respond.


(51 to 55)

PRIDE (45 to 50) | According to Hawkins, since the majority of people are below this point, this is the level that most people aspire to. It makes up a good deal of Hollywood. In comparison to Shame and Guilt, one begins to feel positive here. However, it’s a false positive. It’s dependent upon  external conditions such as wealth, position or power. It is also the source of racism, nationalism, and religious fanaticism.


(45 to 50)

ANGER (39 to 44) | As one moves out of Apathy to Grief and then out of Fear, they begin to want. Desire which is not fulfilled leads to frustration which brings us to Anger. This anger can cause us to move out of this level or keep us here.


(39 to 44)

DESIRE (33 to 38) | Desire is a major motivator for much of our society. Although desire can be an impetus for change, the downside is that it leads to enslavement to ones appetites. This is the level of addiction to such things as sex, money, prestige, or power.


(33 to 38)

FEAR (27 to 32) | People living under dictatorship rule or those involved in an abusive relationship find themselves at this level. There is a sense of paranoia here, where you think everyone is out to get you. Suspicion and defensiveness are common.


(27 to 32)

GRIEF (21 to 26) | The level of hopelessness and despair; this is the common consciousness found among those who are homeless or living in poverty. At this level, one has abdicated themselves to their current situation and feels numb to life around them.


(21 to 26)

APATHY (15 to 20) | Many of us have felt this at times of tragedy in our lives. However, having this as your primary level of consciousness, you live a life of constant regret and remorse. This is the level where you feel all your opportunities have passed you by. You ultimately feel you are a failure.


(15 to 20)

GUILT (9 to 14) | Not too far from shame is the level of guilt. When one is stuck in this level, feelings of worthlessness and an inability to forgive oneself are common.


(9 to 14)

SHAME (0 to 8) | At this level, the primary emotion one feels is humiliation. It is where most thoughts of suicide are found. Those who suffer from sexual abuse are often found here.


(0 to 8)

The Happy Index



ENLIGHTENMENT | “This is the highest level of human consciousness where one has become like God. Many see this as Christ, Buddha, or Krishna. These are those who have influenced all of mankind.”


(92 to 99)

PEACE | Peace is achieved after a life of complete surrender to the Creator. It is where you have transcended all and have entered that place that David Hawkins calls illumination. Here, a stillness and silence of mind is achieved, allowing for constant revelation. Only 1 in 10 million (that’s .00001 percent) people will arrive at this level.


(86 to 91)

JOY | This is the level of saints and advanced spiritual people. As love becomes more unconditional, there follows a constant accompaniment of true happiness. No personal tragedy or world event could ever shake someone living at this level of consciousness. They seem to inspire and lift all those who come in contact with them. Your life is now in complete harmony with the will of Divinity and the fruits of that harmony are expressed in your joy.


(80 to 85)

LOVE  | At the level of Love, you see yourself as a potential for the greater good of mankind. The level of Love is where you start applying what was learned in your reasoning and you let the heart take over rather than the mind – you live by intuition. This is the level of charity – a selfless love that has no desire except for the welfare of those around them. Ghandi and Mother Theresa are examples of people who were living at this level. Only 0.4 percent of the world will ever reach it.


(74 to 79)

REASON | At this level, you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. This is the level of medicine and science. You’ve become capable of using your reasoning abilities to their fullest extent. You have the discipline and the proactivity to fully exploit your natural abilities. You’ve reached the point where you say, “Wow. I can do all this stuff, and I know I must put it to good use. So what’s the best use of my talents?” You take a look around the world and start making meaningful contributions. At the very high end, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. Most people never reach this level in their entire lives.


(68 to 73)

ACCEPTANCE | If Courage is the realization that you are the source of your life’s experiences, then it is here at Acceptance where you become the creator of them. Combined with the skills learned in the Willingness phase, you begin to awaken your potential through action. Here’s where you begin to set and achieve goals and to actively push yourself beyond your previous limitations. Up to this point you’ve been generally reactive to what life throws at you. Here’s where you turn that around, take control, and become proactive.


(62 to 67)

WILLINGNESS | This is the level of consciousness of perpetual optimists. Seeing life as one big possibility is the cornerstone of those operating here. No longer are you satisfied with complacency – you strive to do your best at whatever task you’ve undertaken. You begin to develop self-discipline and willpower and learn the importance of sticking to a task till the end.


(56 to 61)

NEUTRALITY | This is the level of consciousness of perpetual optimists. Seeing life as one big possibility is the cornerstone of those operating here. No longer are you satisfied with complacency – you strive to do your best at whatever task you’ve undertaken. You begin to develop self-discipline and willpower and learn the importance of sticking to a task till the end.


(51 to 55)

COURAGE | This is the level of empowerment. It is the first level where you are not taking life energy from those around you. Courage is where you see that you don’t need to be tossed to and fro by your external conditions. This empowerment leads you to the realization that you are a steward unto yourself, and that you alone are in charge of your own growth and success. This is what makes you inherently human: the realization that there is a gap between stimulus and response and that you have the potential to choose how to respond.


(45 to 50)

PRIDE | According to Hawkins, since the majority of people are below this point, this is the level that most people aspire to. It makes up a good deal of Hollywood. In comparison to Shame and Guilt, one begins to feel positive here. However, it’s a false positive. It’s dependent upon  external conditions such as wealth, position or power. It is also the source of racism, nationalism, and religious fanaticism.


(39 to 44)

ANGER | As one moves out of Apathy to Grief and then out of Fear, they begin to want. Desire which is not fulfilled leads to frustration which brings us to Anger. This anger can cause us to move out of this level or keep us here.


(33 to 38)

DESIRE | Desire is a major motivator for much of our society. Although desire can be an impetus for change, the downside is that it leads to enslavement to ones appetites. This is the level of addiction to such things as sex, money, prestige, or power.


(27 to 32)

FEAR | People living under dictatorship rule or those involved in an abusive relationship find themselves at this level. There is a sense of paranoia here, where you think everyone is out to get you. Suspicion and defensiveness are common.


(21 to 26)

GRIEF | The level of hopelessness and despair; this is the common consciousness found among those who are homeless or living in poverty. At this level, one has abdicated themselves to their current situation and feels numb to life around them.


(15 to 20)

APATHY | Many of us have felt this at times of tragedy in our lives. However, having this as your primary level of consciousness, you live a life of constant regret and remorse. This is the level where you feel all your opportunities have passed you by. You ultimately feel you are a failure.


(9 to 14)

GUILT | Not too far from shame is the level of guilt. When one is stuck in this level, feelings of worthlessness and an inability to forgive oneself are common.


(0 to 8)

SHAME | At this level, the primary emotion one feels is humiliation. It is where most thoughts of suicide are found. Those who suffer from sexual abuse are often found here.

The Happy Index