
everyday celebration | happyliving.com - image via http://deathtothestockphoto.com

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
(Oprah Winfrey)

We gather inspiration for this blog from our personal lives and experiences. Some of our ideas for happy living are serious in nature. Taking responsibility for our health is no small feat. Cultivating child-like curiosity and courage can be a challenge. At the same time, we also like to share cheerful, easy-to-accomplish ideas. Everyday celebration is one such idea!

When you stop to think about it, there are so many things to celebrate in life. Major events like a birthday, cross-country move, graduation, wedding, or retirement. Small victories like making a nice dinner, gardening in sunny weather, or reading a good book.

Here are three ideas for adding more everyday celebration to your life:

Focus on gratitude. What’s happening in your life today that’s worth celebrating? What are the rewards, ceremonies, or celebrations that will delight you? Treat yourself to a long walk, favorite magazine, glass of wine, or pedicure. If you want to deepen your practice of gratitude and everyday celebration, check out Jess Lively’s experiment for June: #gratefulfor30.

Celebrate with others. Look through your calendar for upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, or dates of importance. Send hand-written notes to friends and family. Include a favorite quote, some words of encouragement, or a special memory that you share. Even better, pick up the phone and express your sentiment in real time.

Surprise a stranger. You can share moments of happiness and celebration with anyone. Surprise a stranger by treating them to a free latte. Leave a tip at lunch that’s a few dollars heavy. Compliment your cashier as you pay for your groceries. Stop to say “hello” when you pass coworkers in the hallway, or wave to neighbors as you drive home from work.

We can strive so hard for what we want… always pushing harder towards our next goal or achievement. Pausing for everyday celebration is an idea for happiness that we’re excited to “work” on. How about you? Share your ideas in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Image via Death to the Stock Photo