
Privately Inspired People

I love my work at Happy Living!

For the past year, I’ve been preparing an agenda and leading thought-provoking discussions with Privately Inspired People twice a month. This invitation-only group provides an environment full of ideas, encouragement, and support to help one another take inspired action to live our one wild and precious life to its fullest, because…

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17 

From Success to Significance

The focus of our meeting on Thursday, December 21, 2023, is making The SHIFT from success to significance.

Let me ask you the question I’ve been asking myself ever since I launched Happy Living back in 2014. If you could make a choice, one or the other, if you were given a choice between a life of fame and fortune (SUCCESS) or one of humility and service (SIGNIFICANCE), which would you choose? I know two things for certain; 1) In the first half of my life, I would’ve chosen fame and fortune. Hands down. No questions asked. 2) But now, after The SHIFT, my entire focus is on humility and service… and living a life of significance.

Our group will be discussing and probing four aspects of making The SHIFT from success to significance.

  1. Reflect
  2. Reignite
  3. Reengineer
  4. Repeat

ONE | Reflect on love. I want you to name names. What do you love and what do you not? People. Places. Things. Activities. Ideas. Beliefs. Put a name on everything that makes up your current life. Be honest. Completely honest. If you love it, put it in the LOVE column. If not, it goes in the DON’T LOVE column. Be brutally honest because your SHIFT from success to significance depends on this. #Love #Reflection #Significance #ReflectOnLove

TWO | Reignite your light. Now, have a look at that LOVE column. Then read The Golden Pool of Magic (at least twice) and try to remember all the people, places, things, activities, ideas, and beliefs throughout your entire history that you once loved but that have since been churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out of your life for one reason or another. Adding the people, places, things, activities, ideas, and beliefs that you once loved back into your LOVE column will bring the 3 E’s of Happy back into your life; Enthusiasm, Excitement, and Engagement. These 3 E’s will reignite your light. #Enthusiasm #Excitement #Engagement #GoldenPoolOfMagic #ReigniteYourLight

THREE | Reengineer your life. Ming-Dao Deng, the author of 365 Tao, Everyday Tao, says, “Live long. You have gathered wisdom unique to yourself, and the people still in darkness need the light you have.” He is saying that the ups and downs, struggles and successes, the great big wins and the devastating losses of your unique life have created within you a distinct and highly personal set of skills, assets, connections, experiences, and wisdom about living life. It’s time to use all that you have become and reengineer your life with a laser-like focus on the things that light you up for the benefit of others who may still be in darkness. #Wisdom #LifeSkills #ReengineerYourLife

FOUR | Repeat. Reflect. Reignite. Reengineer. Making the SHIFT from success to significance is a beautiful, wonderful, fun, exciting, never-ending process of becoming all you are meant to be with the gifts you’ve been given so that you can give to others, and help them to become all they are meant to be with the gifts that they have been given. The enormous energy created by such a virtuous cycle of shifting from success to significance is enough to light up the entire world, one person at a time. What could be more significant than that? #Beautiful #Wonderful #Fun #Exciting #LivingYourPurpose

In preparation for our meetings, I generally recommend that each member ponders over a quote or a few and does a little bit of light homework (reading a blog post or two and sometimes viewing a video, too). This is the prep work for our December 21, 2023 meeting.


The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.

Matthew 6:22-23

“Live long. You have gathered wisdom unique to yourself, and the people still in darkness need the light you have.”

Ming-Dao Deng

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

T.S. Eliot

“Don’t die with the music still in you.”

Wayne W. Dyer


ViewingThe Shift by Wayne Dyer

Reading: The Golden Pool of Magic


If you want support from a group of Privately Inspired People that you can count on to encourage you and help you along this journey to your best life, please email me directly at [email protected] or write to me in the comment section below.

With love,