
Happy Living's Holiday Gift Guide | happyliving.com - image via Unsplash

This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!
(D.M. Dellinger)

The holiday season is here! I hope that you find happiness and peace through this month of gathering and celebration. December can be a stressful month for some, but it happens to be one of my favorites. I love the sparkle and cheer of the holidays. I enjoy cooking special meals, dressing up for parties, and giving gifts to the people I love. But since my wedding was just two weeks ago, I’m a bit behind on my Christmas shopping.

If you are like me and still working on your shopping list, I’ve put together a Happy Living Holiday Gift Guide that’s inspired by our seven foundations of health.

Physical Fitness

I wear my Fitbit Flex Wristband every day and my GPS watch with a heart rate monitor when I go for a walk or run. These are both gifts for competitive or data-driven types. In fact, I gave my husband a GPS watch last year along with this book. He loved both!

You could also encourage a friend or loved one to get involved in their health by giving them a MyMedLab Gift of Health. It’s a gift certificate that can be used to purchase any medical tests from the lab.


There are two books that have inspired me to change my eating habits this year. Grain Brain sheds light on how eating grains can negatively impact our health, especially when it comes to our brains. It Starts With Food is about how food can either help or hurt our bodies. Both are great reads for anyone wanting to make a change to their diet in the New Year.

Mental Fitness

Give someone you love a Moleskine notebook for journaling, brain storming and goal setting. As another option, an annual subscription to Experience Life Magazine will have the recipient thanking you all year long. Or give an encouraging nudge towards peace and quiet with a Headspace Meditation gift.

Spiritual Fitness


There are three books on the topic of spirituality that have really inspired us at Happy Living this year. Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie is my personal favorite. When I need a little motivation or encouragement, I open it up and read that day’s entry. The other two are recommendations from my Happy Living co-writer, Matt Gersper: Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer.



There are a million ways to give the gift of love. Other People’s Love Letters by Bill Shapiro is a neat book for an office, coffee table or bedroom. It is fun to read from cover to cover, or to just flip through for love stories and inspiration. Fresh flowers are an unexpected gift over the holidays, and after checking out The Bouqs’ website, I will be sending some to a few of my girl friends. Music is another way to express love, and I have been loving Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga’s collaboration album, Cheek to Cheek.



I only have one gift idea for this topic! Happy Living is hosting an inspiring and luxurious retreat at the Secrets Aura resort in Cozumel, Mexico. Give the gift of adventure to yourself and a loved one. Join us for a unique getaway: learning and relaxation, adventure and happiness on Sunday, March 8 – Saturday, March 14. Click here for more information and to sign up!


Charitable gifts are my favorite for people who already have everything they could want. Three great charities to consider are Donors Choose, Make-A-Wish, and Charity: water. Another way to incorporate significance in your gifting is to consider the recipient’s passions and interests — then create, do, or give something that celebrates those things.

If you have any ideas that you think we should add to our holiday gift guide, include them in the comments below! I hope you have a delightful weekend and a wonderful holiday season.

Image via Unsplash

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