
7 Books for Health and Happiness  | happyliving.com - image via Death to the Stock Photo

Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening, and sleep at night.
(William Blake)

This time of year always makes me want to read. The cooler temperatures and shorter days are perfect conditions for curling up with a good book. Here’s a list of 7 books for health and happiness that are inspired by our foundations of health. Some I have read and loved, while others are on my to-read list.

 7 Books for Health and Happiness | happyliving.com

Physical fitness: Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
This is one of my favorite books! A perfect read for New Year’s inspiration. I originally listened to this as an audio book and was completely enthralled by the story.

Mental fitness: Getting Things Done by David Allen
This has been on my bookshelf for 2 years. I have been wanting to read Getting Things Done, but haven’t gotten around to it. Guess that means I’m primed for a lesson on productivity!

Spiritual fitness: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
This book is worth reading once a year. It is filled with spiritual insights and practical wisdom.

Financial fitness: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Matt Gersper (my Happy Living co-author) recommended this book in his Philosophy for Lifelong Work post. Ever since he mentioned it, I have been wanting to give it a read.

Love: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Another favorite from my personal bookshelf. Eat, Pray, Love takes readers through an incredible journey. And the movie is pretty great to watch while flipping through magazines and dreaming of the future.

Adventure: Wild by Cheryl Strayed
I haven’t had the chance to read this yet, but it is next on my list. I have heard so many good things about this book and I want to see it before watching the movie.

Significance: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
This book has inspired so many, including the Happy Living team! We are planning to discuss Daring Greatly as part of our roundtables during the Epic Adventure we’re hosting in Cozumel, Mexico next March.

Do you have any books that have inspired you – or changed the way you view health & happiness? Please join the conversation in the comments below!

Image via Death to the Stock Photo

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