
Inspiration into Action | Happy Living“Healthy, hydrated cells are the key to ageless skin and a healthy body.”
(Dr. Howard Murad[1])

Meighan Sembrano is a health enthusiast and passionate writer for health and beauty, fitness and food. She believes in living simply, learning constantly and loving generously. She is widely published with articles in Consumer Health Digest, ShapeFit, The Jerusalem Post, Thought Catalog, Migraine Again, and now, Happy Living. She writes with simple and thoughtful words. I think you’ll enjoy the enthusiasm she brings to readers interested in improving health and wellness. As our own mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of the world, one person at a time, I enthusiastically welcome Meighan to our Happy Living Community.

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Ever since ancient times, people from different cultures have understood the importance of detoxification. It is a known fact that, with the passing of time, the body can accumulate toxins, and this change can increase the risk of inflammation and disease. In this article, we will talk about seven natural and easy ways to get rid of toxins from your skin.

1. Clay mask

If you have acne-prone skin, you probably know already how easy your pores can become clogged. As well, due to the tap water being ‘hard’, it is highly likely that you have a  ‘metal’ residue on your skin. In such situations, it is recommended that you try a clay mask to help clean your skin of toxins. It might interest you to know that the clay mask works by drawing all of the impurities to the surface, thus leaving your skin feeling cleansed.

2. Honey & Brown Sugar Exfoliation

The accumulation of toxins on the surface of the skin can lead to a dull complexion, adding years to your face. If you want to restore the healthy-looking aspect of the skin, it is recommended to exfoliate your skin on a daily basis. Try to avoid store-bought products, as these can do more harm than good.[2] Instead, prepare your own scrub, by mixing raw honey with brown sugar. Apply the mixture on your face and massage gently in to keep the risk of irritation down to a minimum. Spread the raw honey and sugar all over your face except for the eye area, let it settle on your face for ten to fifteen minutes, then wash the mask off with lukewarm water.

3. Sea Salt Soak

Sea salt is well known for its beneficial properties when used on the skin, and is often recommended as an ingredient in DIY scrubs and other similar products. However, if you want to eliminate toxins accumulated throughout the entire body, it is recommended that you try the sea salt soak. All it takes is to spend a quarter of an hour in the bath with about two handfuls (or a quarter cup) of sea salt in order to notice a difference. Giving your body a weekly sea salt soak experience will help keep your skin hydrated and looking beautiful.

4. Charcoal Mask

In many ways, the charcoal mask functions similarly to the clay one, absorbing all the impurities and toxins that can clog your facial pores. It is especially recommended for those who live or work in polluted areas, as it is highly effective at removing dirt from skin pores. You can quickly prepare a charcoal mask in the comfort of your own home, and it is advisable to leave it on the skin for one minute, before removing it altogether. Keep in mind that the charcoal mask can have a brightening effect on the skin’s surface, eliminating common signs of tiredness, such as dark circles under the eyes.

5. Soft Clay

For many years now, we have heard about celebrities using mud as part of their beauty rituals. Today, soft clay masks are more popular than ever, as they help eliminate toxins from the skin and leave our skin looking healthier as a result. It is essential to understand that a soft clay mask will serve the same purpose as a charcoal mask as it eliminates impurities that can clog your pores. Soft clay is often mixed with ingredients that have moisturizing properties, such as essential oils.[3] It is especially recommended for those who have dry or sensitive skin, and leaves your skin smelling amazing at the same time.

6. Algae for Toxin-Free Skin

Seaweed is probably one of the most efficient algae when it comes to helping you eliminate toxins from the surface of the skin. Not only does it cleanse the skin of dirt and other impurities, but it stimulates blood circulation and guarantees a healthy-looking glow. Given the fact that its cleansing effect is not that deep, it is recommended to mix it with clay or charcoal. Bear in mind that algae is rich in minerals, so it nourishes the skin and helps it to stay looking youthful for longer.

7. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a simple, inexpensive and effective method of detoxifying the skin. It can stimulate blood circulation and the lymphatic system at the same time, thus eliminating the toxins accumulated on the surface of the skin. It is recommended to try dry brushing in the morning, before you shower. Brush your entire body without being too hard with the brushing, then apply and massage your skin with a detoxifying oil (such as sesame oil) and allow it to be absorbed into the skin, before taking a shower.

These are several ways in which you can detoxify your skin and help maintain its youthful appearance. Do not hesitate to give all of these recommendations a try before you decide which one is the most effective and of course, enjoyable for you.

Thank you, Meighan. These tips combined with the nutritional advice offered in our last guest post, What To Eat If You Want Any Skin Left When You’re Old, will help our readers maintain the healthy, hydrated cells that they need for ageless skin and a healthy body.

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[1] Follow Dr. Murad

[2] http://www.thankyourbody.com/are-your-homemade-beauty-products-safe/

[3] https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/beauty-skin-care/5-essential-oils-to-give-you-beautiful-skin.html

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