
Happy Living | Blog | Books“Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.”
(Theodore Roethke)

Happy Living’s newest book—Snow Valley: Adventure of the Ski Bums!—is almost here. The novel, by Jon Grant, arrives this September…

Get to know Mike the mustached ski bum and his band of merry pranksters. They ski all day and contemplate worldly matters over the beers of eventide, attempting to comprehend it all in the star-filled night.

Learn from wise miss Minerva and that mystical foreigner known as the Samurai. Laugh at Morrison, that legendary Snow Valley drunkard. Enjoy soul skiing and witness wild parties. Watch simple mountain folk do battle against the greed of evil SkiCorp, as they fight to preserve their way of life and save Snow Valley…

Want to be part of the book-making process? Join the Launch Team! Cast your vote in our traditionally untraditional cover contest and receive a free, advance copy of the manuscript so that you can enjoy the romp, tell your friends, and post a rad review when it comes out.

Let’s be honest… in this age of the one-percenters, we are all ski bums of some sort. Read the book and join the revolution.

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