Belief, Hope, Trust and Faith

Belief, Hope, Trust and Faith

I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief. (Immanuel Kant) Belief, hope, trust and faith. These are powerful words. They are not less powerful than fact, proof, or truth. Actually, I would argue that they are more powerful. But they are...


“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” (John Donne) There seems to be this increasing notion that we should hang around with “like-minded people”. As if never having your opinion challenged is...
When Antibiotics Become a Problem

When Antibiotics Become a Problem

“Bacteria keeps us from heaven and puts us there.” (Martin H. Fischer) There is no doubt that antibiotics have changed the course of human history. They are surely one of the most important, impactful discoveries of all of time. Infections during illness or after...